Important Annoucement
2020 Internet Revival Announced:
The ETBC in person services may be CANCELLED for 2020, But we will be having an ONLINE REVIVAL!
The “Seek The Lord” internet revival will be streamed live each evening to the East Texas Baptist Campmeeting Facebook page.
Please help us get the word out on all SOCIALS! Have a “Watch Party”…Join Us and let’s SEEK THE LORD!!!
Updated at 7/8/2020 at 10:00pm
Due to the increase COVID-19 cases and because of smaller crowd restrictions and guidelines imposed by Local and State Government officials, I have decided it is necessary to CANCEL this year’s in person meeting scheduled for July 13-17, 2020.
This decision was made after thoughtful discussions and careful consideration with my family and close advisors. Of course, much prayer in seeking God’s Will, guided me. I know that this cancellation will change all of our plans and we will miss this year’s services. Please understand however this decision was based on protecting the safety and well-being of all those who were to preach and sing on the program and for all who would attend the services. I believe that the Lord has guided theses decisions.
Please do mark your calendar NOW for next year’s date – July 12-16, 2021, at the Canton Civic Center!
Thank you for your understanding.
Evangelist Dennis Erwin
Founder & Moderator
East Texas Baptist Campmeeting
Updated 6/26/2020 at 7:15pm
© 2020 East Texas Baptist Camp Meeting