East Texas Baptist Campmeeting
2019 Music Festival

This year we are excited to launch online signups for those that are interested in being a part of the music festival! All festival information, including the signup form link, is available on this page.
Tony Watson
Josh Edwards
Thank you so much for your willingness to share your music ministry with the East Texas Baptist Campmeeting during the Pre-Service Music Festival. Our reason for offering this is to give you an opportunity to share your God-given musical talent with those who attend, for God to touch hearts through your ministry and to hopefully enable you to meet a pastor or other ministries that might enable you to serve with them in the future.
To make it fair for everyone, we have established some guidelines that we are asking you to follow:
- Understand there will be other things going on while you sing, so please don’t be offended or distracted when you are singing if people are walking around.
- You are to sing ONLY 2 SONGS! Please NO MEDLEYS or ENCORES! NO EXCEPTIONS due to time restraints!!! Please bring CD soundtracks, cell phones, iPads/tablets or play live music. On a piece of paper, please list a few lines of “bio” about you or your group and please list the song titles and the numbers that it is on the CD so that Josh can get everything set up for you.
- The focus on this time of the service is on the songs. Please limit your speaking between songs.
- Dress appropriately (think church).
- While we will not tell you what to sing, we suggest you sing songs that are less Contemporary. This crowd LOVES Southern Gospel, Blue Grass Gospel and Country Gospel music.
- We ask you to stay for the entire service out of respect for everyone involved. In addition, there may be opportunities to connect with other Christians, churches and ministries. We would not want you to miss those opportunities.
- There will be a table designated for you to display 1 RACK of product on the nights that you sing. Please understand you will share this table with other artists. PLEASE take your seat for the services with the congregation. DO NOT stay at your product table once the service has started.
- We are asking you to sign up to request certain days and times to sing. Please complete the entry form in its entirety. We will do our best to honor your requests and to be fair to everyone involved. This should help alleviate confusion or uncertainty. You will be informed by e-mail or text once the schedule has been completed. Anyone wishing to sing on the music festival should complete the entry form. Entry form is located at the bottom of this web page.
- Doors open at approximately 5:30pm. Regardless of the time you are scheduled to sing, please report to the sound console beside the platform to give your bio, and your accompaniment to Josh at 5:30 pm. There could be some slight time adjustments as the evening develops, so stay close by.
- Thank you for participating. Let’s have an AWESOME WEEK! Please contact Tony or Josh if you have any questions between now and Campmeeting.
Evangelist Dennis Erwin